Clipbud is a Simple and Free Clipboard Manager That Every iPhone User Needs

In early April, he released Twodos, a completely free to-do app that won’t bother you with constant notifications and hold you back with tons of features you probably don’t need. You can put items in one of two categories—Sooner or Later.

And Whitcroft’s latest app, Clipbud, is an easy-to-use clipboard manager for pretty much anything you copy on your iPhone.

To make it easier, you can choose for the app to automatically read what’s on your clipboard when opening Clipbud.

With that option turned on, the text will be added to a new snippet. There’s no limit to how long the snippet is, so it can be a name or a long novel. All paragraphs and line breaks are kept in tact to make everything easy to read. To better find the information later, you can also add a name to the snippet.

On the app’s main page, you can see an alphabetical list of all the snippets. A row on the top of the page will sho your most recently added snippets for quick access.

To better organize all of your information, it’s easy to use but actions that allow you to delete or combined multiple snippets in a single action.

All of the information in the app is stored on your devices and backed up to iCloud. No one else has access to it.

Clipbud is a free download on the iPhone. There are no in-app purchases or subscriptions.

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