Harry Huntley To Replace Eleanor Tierney As Alderman For Annapolis’ Ward One

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – On September 4th, the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee held a virtual candidate forum to decide on a replacement for Eleanor Tierney, who previously served as Alderwoman. Harry Huntley was chosen as the new Annapolis Alderman and was administered the Oath of Office on September 9th, securing his new role.
Huntley won the position, with seven out of nine committee members voting in his favor. Upon his selection, Huntley said, “I’m grateful and honored to have been selected as the next Ward One Alderman through such an open and transparent process.”
Eleanor Tierney stepped down as Alderwoman on September 1st to relocate to Cape Cod. The remainder of the term is 14 months, and the next election will take place in 2025. Alderman Huntley has spoken about his intent to run in 2025 with the goal of serving a full term as the Ward One Alderman.
Five Anne Arundel County candidates were considered for the replacement, and each person was required to submit letters of support if possible. Harry Huntley received widespread support from residents, six city council members, and Mayor Gavin Buckley.

Huntley was born in Baltimore and attended the University of Maryland in College Park, where he earned two Bachelor’s Degrees pertaining to Agricultural Science and Economics. The new Alderman has also served as a board member of the District 30 Democratic Club and as the Ward One representative for the Annapolis Democratic Central Committee.
Harry Huntley is excited to address Annapolis’ current challenges in his new role. We reached out to Alderman Huntley for comment, and he responded, “It’s a tremendous honor to be selected to represent the heart of Annapolis on our city council. I’m confident that my background in developing policies to make Chesapeake Bay restoration more efficient will allow me to deliver tangible improvements to our city and our residents’ health, wealth, and happiness. It’s been a whirlwind first couple of weeks, but the part of the job that I enjoy the most is getting to hear directly from my neighbors about why they love our city and about how we can make it even better. My second favorite aspect has been digging into the nitty gritty of policy, staying up late to mark up ordinances on outdoor dining or zoning improvements. I’m really excited for all that I–and the rest of this council–will accomplish in the next year to earn every citizen’s trust and support in 2025!”
About The Annapolis Democratic Central Committee
The ADCC is Annapolis’ Democratic Party organization. Its primary mission is identifying and supporting potential Democratic candidates in Annapolis elections.
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